VISST Tuition
Based on extensive research, we have developed an innovative model where tuition depends on a family’s financial situation. This tuition model is aligned with our core value of reducing barriers to exceptional high school education, as well as the belief that diversity benefits all students in the school.
Tuition Amount
To access the 2025-26 VISST tuition for your family, you can use the calculator below or calculate it yourself using the formula underneath. The minimum tuition is zero and the maximum tuition is $26,400 per year.
*Total of all assets that are individually worth greater than $20,000. See below for examples.
The tuition is calculated using the following formula:
6.5% of family income above $40,000 + 0.6% of family net worth above $200,000, to a maximum of $26,400
How Does It Work?
Families can compute their VISST tuition amount before applying to VISST. This system is designed to encourage a broader spectrum of families to apply to the school. We understand that the application process requires both time and an emotional investment. We want to avoid the scenario where families are accepted to a school only to discover their financial aid package is insufficient for them to be able to attend.
Application to VISST is need-blind. Unlike other schools, at VISST we don’t know your financial details when you apply. Only after you are accepted will you be asked to provide your tuition amount and supporting documentation (if needed). Families on the waitlist may also be asked for tuition information.
Tuition information is confidential. Each family’s tuition amount is kept confidential and is not shared with teachers or any other parties. It is important to us that all students are treated equally at VISST.
No extra fees. Unlike many other schools, VISST’s tuition covers all mandatory fees and activities. The only exceptions are student-owned laptops and overnight trips or excursions, for which bursaries are available to ensure that all students can participate. There is no registration fee or new family fee. What you see is what you pay.
Supporting documentation is required for families paying less than the maximum tuition amount. We will provide details on the specific documentation requirements at the time of enrolment or upon request. Families paying the maximum tuition amount do not need to submit supporting documentation.
Where is my tuition going?
The pie chart below shows our anticipated annual per-student expenses once the school reaches normal operations (the first couple of years look quite different because we’re starting small). Our main expenses are our amazing teachers, our bright facility, and our experienced and dedicated administrators. The remainder of our expenses consist of equipment (laptops, supplies), professional services (accounting, legal), utilities (electricity, internet), and other smaller items. Our total expenses are approximately $23,000 per student per year.
In addition to the tuition, we receive approximately $4000 per year from the BC government for each domestic student enrolled in VISST. We expect to receive approximately $16,000 per student per year from tuition which, in addition to the provincial subsidy and financial aid support provided by donations, is used to cover our expenses.
Family A is a single-parent household. The parent’s annual salary is $50,000. The family rents their home. They have savings of $25,000, one vehicle worth less than $20,000, and no additional assets worth more than $20,000. Applying the formula, Family A’s annual VISST tuition is 6.5% of ($50,000 - $40,000) + 0.6% of zero (because assets do not exceed $200,000) = $650
Family B has a household equal to the median Vancouver household income of $91,750 and a net worth equal to the median Vancouver under-65 net worth of $672,400. Applying the formula, Family B’s annual VISST tuition is 6.5% of ($91,750 - $40,000) + 0.6% of ($672,400 - $200,000) = $6,198
Family C consists of two parents each with a salary of $180,000 per year, for a total household income of $360,000. The family owns their principal residence, assessed at $3,500,000 according to the BC Assessment tool, with a mortgage balance owing of $1,500,000 as of Dec 31 the year prior, according to a statement issued by the bank. The family also owns two vehicles, worth $40,000 and $60,000 according to The family has no additional income sources, no additional assets individually worth over $20,000, and no additional liabilities. Family C’s annual VISST tuition is:
6.5% of ($360,000 - $40,000) + 0.6% of ($3,500,000 - $1,500,000 + $60,000 + $40,000 - $200,000) = $32,200 $26,400. Family C pays the maximum tuition of $26,400.
Refund Policy
Tuition is only collected for the upcoming School Year and not for subsequent years. Fees are collected at various times of the year and may cover or supplement such items as registration, supplies, field trips, and extracurricular events or courses. Fees are non-refundable unless otherwise specified below.
Families requesting to withdraw from the program and to receive a refund of their tuition must do so in writing. Partial refunds of 65% will be given to families who withdraw from the program at least three months prior to September 1st. Partial refunds of 25% will be given to families who withdraw between three months and one month prior to September 1st of that year. Partial refunds may be given to families beyond that point at the Board’s discretion.
No, you always have the option to pay the maximum tuition and disregard the formula.
No. Although VISST is a registered charity, tuition is not considered a donation by CRA. The only exception we are aware of is religious schools, which have an understanding with CRA whereby a portion of tuition is tax-deductible.
In this case, a modified version of the formula will be applied separately to each parent and the tuition amounts added. If the total tuition paid by both parents exceeds the maximum tuition, we will cap the combined tuition to the maximum tuition. Separated or divorced parents can submit their financial information separately and need not share their financial documents with each other.
An exception to the above can be made if only one parent is involved in the child’s upbringing. In that case, only that parent’s income and assets should be used. In this event, please attach an explanation to your supporting documents.
If you are self-employed as a sole proprietor, your income will be computed in the same way as if you were employed by another employer. If you are an entrepreneur and self-employed by your own incorporated business, rather than as a sole proprietor, you should include business profits as income and your business value as assets. In this case, you must submit your business tax returns. If you have accepted an offer to attend VISST and need assistance with this calculation, we are here to help (see below).
We define family income as the gross worldwide income earned by the parents/guardians of the applicant in the prior year. This includes employment income, capital gains income, rental property income, self-employment income. The family income is measured in the prior year; for example, for the 2024-25 academic year tuition, one would use total income from 2023.
We define net worth as the total worldwide assets of the parents/guardians of the applicant, less the total worldwide liabilities of the parents/guardians of the applicant. Our definition of assets includes, but is not limited to, the following: principal residences, investment properties, bank accounts, financial investments (including TFSAs , RRSPs, and trusts in the name of the children, but excluding RESPs and RDSPs) assets of corporations owned by the parents/guardians, and physical assets individually worth at least $20,000 (e.g. most new vehicles). Physical assets individually worth under $20,000, such as a typical bicycle or piece of furniture, are not included. We define liabilities as all financial liabilities, including mortgages, vehicle loans, etc.
We anticipate that most families will be able to apply the tuition formula without assistance. That said, for students who have accepted an offer to attend VISST, our staff are available to meet with you one-on-one and assist with interpreting your specific situation. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, we are unable to provide one-on-one assistance for prospective students.
The tuition formula is for domestic students only. International students tuition is the full tuition amount plus the Provincial subsidy amount (since we will not receive it). For 2024-2025 the Provincial subsidy amount if approximately $4000.
VISST students are expected to bring their own laptops to school. In cases of financial barriers, we will endeavour to provide one.
Part of our mission is to eliminate barriers to an outstanding education. Please contact us.