Electricity: from Frogs to iPhones
VISST Summer Camp
July 25-29, 2022
Recommended age: 12-15
Electric cars are changing the world… did you know that their core technologies — batteries and electric motors — are simple enough to understand and build in a week? In this summer camp, you’ll learn about these key inventions through hands-on activities. You’ll build your own battery and electric motor (and more) from scratch, and take them home at the end! All equipment and materials provided.
Program Details
This camp runs July 25-29, 2022 from 1-4pm each day.
The Vancouver Independent School for Science and Technology, located on the 2nd floor at 1490 West Broadway in Vancouver.
This camp is designed for kids aged 12-15.
The camp fee is $225. However, a limited number of free spots are available where the fee would be a barrier to participation - please contact us at workshops@visst.ca.
Learn from a legendary engineer and inventor with over 100 patents, 4 technology companies, and a beloved YouTube channel about engineering.
Understand through building your own battery and electric motor.
Experience electricity from a completely different perspective than what’s taught at school.
Learn the key principles behind Tesla’s electric cars in just one week.
Earn a certificate of completion from the Vancouver Independent School for Science and Technology.
Here’s what we’ll do:
Day 1:
Batteries & Magnets
How a frog jump-started the field of electricity in 1790.
On Day 1 you’ll learn about Galvani and Volta, the first electric battery and the many useful applications of the first battery. Then you'll build and test your own battery, learning the basic laws of electricity along the way. Then, you’ll learn about magnetic poles, magnetic fields and build your own compass.
Day 2:
How an accidental observation become the foundation of the whole modern world.
On Day 2 you’ll learn about how Oersted discovered that electricity and magnetism are related, starting the field of electromagnetism and the most invention-rich period in history. You'll repeat Oersted's experiment, building your own electromagnet and electric bell.
Day 3:
Electric Motors
The most important inventor in the history of Electrical Engineering, and it is not Edison.
On Day 3 you'll learn about Faraday's contribution to electricity, and repeat some of his famous experiments. You'll build your own electric motor from scratch. Along the way you'll learn about AC and DC currents and how the electrical system in your home works.
Day 4:
Electronics: amplifiers, control system, digital and analog signal processing and communications.
On Day 4 you'll learn the basics of amplifiers and control systems, build an amplifier and use it for several experiments. You'll learn about oscillators, feedback systems, filters and other useful concepts.
Day 5:
How Maxwell predicted wireless transmission and Hertz confirmed it.
A lot of today's world relies on wireless transmission of electric signals. You'll learn how Maxwell predicted this in 1864 and Hertz demonstrated it in 1886. You'll get to see and use some original equipment from that period and conduct some experiments yourselves.
Camp Instructor
Dan Gelbart
Dan is a founder of several successful Canadian companies. He co-founded Creo Products Inc, which was acquired by Kodak in 2005, and Kardium, a medical device company that developed a revolutionary atrial fibrillation treatment. Dan is currently the Founder and President of Rapidia, an innovative startup developing metal 3D printers in Vancouver. Dan’s innovations have been documented in 125 US patents. Dan enjoys teaching and has taught several engineering courses at UBC, as well as a YouTube channel with over 2M views including a virtual tour of his world-class home workshop. Dan is also a collector of historical scientific instruments and will be bringing some to the camp!
Testimonials for VISST camps
This was probably my favourite camp I've ever been to and it gives you knowledge that you will use throughout your life. This was amazing and thank you so much Mike and Shaun for teaching us about this.
- Grade 6 student, Deconstructing TikTok, Spring Break 2021
I liked that they are very helpful and kind. They have a good sense of humor and it was just great.
- Grade 8 student, Machine Learning, Demystified, Summer 2021
This camp made me think differently about how I use the internet.
- Grade 9 student, Deconstructing TikTok, Spring Break 2021
Our Story
We are a team of experienced educators opening a not-for-profit high school in Vancouver to pursue our mission of educating high school students without leaving them wondering, Why am I learning this?
Join us! Sign up below.
This camp is now full. If you would like to join the waitlist in the event of a cancellation, please use the “Join Waitlist” button below. If you would like to stay up to date about future camps, you can join our mailing list here.
Contact us at workshops@visst.ca
Other VISST Summer Camps
Bridges: From Design to Prototype
How do engineers go from idea to design to prototype? How do they arrive at an effective solution amidst so many options? In this camp, you'll be the engineer in a competition to build a high-performing bridge. But leave the popsicle sticks at home this time; we'll be working like real engineers with real materials.
Machine Learning, Demystified
Self-driving cars, paintings authored by algorithms, artificial intelligences that seem almost human — machine learning is the thread that ties these amazing technologies together. So, is machine learning only accessible to researchers and engineers at powerful tech companies? Nope!